
  • High MechanicalStrength

    • Lightin weightyetrigid & sturdy,structurally strong & dimensionally stable.
    • High compressive and flexuralstrength.

  • Economical

    • LowerK value among insulating material.

    • High moisture resistance.
    • Permanentand long lasting insulating.
    • Saving ofelectricity.
  • Easy to Apply

    • Easy to handle and quick to install.Itcan be easily cutby saw orsharp knife.

    • Excellentadhesive properties are laminated to mostrigid or
flexible materials.

    • Dose notsoak swellorbuckle in moisture.

  • Longer Life

    • High ageing resistance and does notattractrodents and otherpest.

    • Odourless and does notabsorb odour.Unaffected by sea-wateras does
notharborfungi,mildew orspores.